Brockville, City of the 1,000 Islands, is abundant with skating rinks, hiking trails, river activities and heritage sites. A proud member of the community for over 70 years, D. & A. MacLeod Company Ltd. provides empathetic debt help to families and businesses in Brockville and eastern Ontario. Our staff are discreet and can help free you from your financial worries.
Complete the form below or call us at 613-498-2012 to schedule a free, confidential financial consultation with a licensed insolvency trustee (LIT). Our office is located at 9 Broad Street in Brockville. Contact us today and find a new beginning™.
Call for an appointment
Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.*
Free Parking Available
*Appointments are available in Brockville on Thursdays and other times subject to your situation.
Personal Debt Help and Bankruptcy Services
D. & A. MacLeod Company Ltd. provides a comprehensive range of debt relief and bankruptcy services to individuals and families in Brockville.
Credit counselling. We can help you develop a budget and find lifestyle changes to reduce your monthly spending. A licensed insolvency trustee at D. & A. MacLeod Company Ltd. will help you set realistic financial goals and prepare informal debt repayment arrangements with your creditors.
Consumer proposal. A licensed insolvency trustee can write up a legally binding agreement between you and your creditors whereby you agree to pay a percentage of what you owe. A consumer proposal is a popular bankruptcy alternative, with more than 70 percent of Canadians choosing a proposal over bankruptcy as their preferred debt relief solution.
Personal bankruptcy. If you’re ineligible for a consumer proposal, you may need to file for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is a legal process for eliminating your debts. Certain assets are considered exempt under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, while others are not.
Student debt. Many students are left with a mountain of debt after graduating from college or university and without a steady income. We can help you find ways to reduce your debt burden and pay off your loans faster.
Services For Small Businesses and Corporations
With an array of restaurants, shops and family-run stores, Brockville truly embraces the entrepreneurial spirit. We at D. & A. MacLeod Company Ltd. are proud to be part of this beautiful community, and we understand that even the hardest-working folks can fall on hard times. If your business faces challenges, we can help.
Corporate proposal. Corporations and individuals can file a corporate proposal in which a licensed insolvency trustee presents creditors with a plan to repay a percentage of what is owed, either as a lump sum or periodic payments.
Corporate insolvency. If your company’s operations aren’t viable or can’t be restructured, a licensed insolvency trustee can apply for corporate insolvency. We’ll guide you through the process and ensure your rights are protected.
Corporate restructuring. Our team can analyze your finances and prepare a restructuring solution to address your current situation and protect your business from future issues.
When you meet with your licensed insolvency trustee in Brockville, we’ll take an in-depth look at your finances and lay out your options to achieve stability. We have a customer-centred approach; we work for you and not for the creditors.
Speak With a Licensed Insolvency Trustee in Brockville
D. & A. MacLeod Company Ltd. has offices across eastern Ontario and can assist you wherever you’re located. For your convenience, we now offer virtual appointments to clients in Ontario and across Canada. To speak to a licensed insolvency trustee, contact us today and find a new beginning™. Use the form below to book a free, no-obligation consultation or call our Brockville office at 613-498-2012.